Casement Windows – A Wise Investment For Your Home

Casement windows Lake Charles LA

A new casement window installation can boost your home’s curb appeal. It can also increase its value. It’s a wise investment for any homeowner.

This window type is hinged left or right giving you a wide opening to allow fresh air into the room. This makes it perfect for rooms that need ventilation or walls that need a view.

Natural Light

Natural light can brighten your home and create a cheerful ambiance, reducing the need for artificial lighting. It also makes your space more comfortable and increases airflow.

A window that opens outward with a crank handle, Casement windows offer wide views and plenty of sunlight. They work well alone or in combination with bay and bow windows.

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In addition to being stylish, casement windows open wide enough for maximum ventilation. Unlike slider and sash windows that open only by meeting a meeting rail, they are hinged on the side and open with a crank, giving you full-frame views when closed and maximum airflow when opened.

You can even pair them with other window styles like push out French windows to create an elegant look. Install a picture window with casement flankers in the nook of your kitchen or behind the ledge in your living room for a breathtaking panoramic view and superior ventilation.

This home features in-swing casement windows that open into the room instead of outward to protect objects located near the exterior that a swing-out sash would hit. Brilliant colors ricochet throughout this interior design, with fuchsia and green tones that complement the natural color contrasts of the view and the painting’s colors.

Energy Efficiency

Unlike double hung or sliding windows, casement windows open from the side using a crank handle. This allows for full top-to-bottom ventilation in homes. These windows also offer better air infiltration resistance than other window options.

The insulated glass units in these casement windows allow natural light and fresh air to flow into a home, saving homeowners money on energy bills. They also help protect personal belongings from sun damage, including faded draperies, wood floors, and photographs.

With their sashes and frames, push out French casement windows are simple to operate with a quick push and swift turn of the handle. They can be opened a few inches wide to let in the breeze or completely at their full width. They can even be locked securely to avoid unwanted entry.


A casement window opens outward from the right or left with a simple crank of a handle. They offer top-to-bottom ventilation when opened fully and can be placed above sinks or other obstacles.

They’re easy to open from inside or out with elegant hardware that tucks away when not in use. They also make it easier to clean windows without a ladder or scaffolding.

They are the most energy-efficient window option when opened completely. They offer a tight seal against outside air infiltration and lower your utility bills year-round. They’re perfect for homes in rainy or windy climates.


When it comes to a tight seal and increased security, nothing beats the casement window. With a quick turn of the handle, you can open these windows to a wide range of sizes and lock them securely in place.

With easy operation and a sleek hardware design, Great Lakes casement windows are the ideal window for any room of your home. They open outward with a crank and feature a fold-away, nesting handle that doesn’t stick out from the frame for a clean look.

For an extra level of protection, opt for in-swing casement windows. These windows protect objects outside your home that a swing-out window’s sash could hit, including bushes, statues and flower boxes. They also provide the same ventilation benefits as other casement styles.